Industry Overview
Size Matters
When we think of Saskatchewan, generally Forestry is not top of mind. But would you be surprised to know that over half of Saskatchewan is forested, representing 34 million hectares, of which greater than 90% is owned by the province. Saskatchewan's Commercial Forest Zone is 12 million hectares, of which over five million hectares are classified as productive forest land available for commercial timber harvesting. Saskatchewan’s Annual Allowable Cut (AAC) is nine million cubic meters of timber (4.7 million softwood tree species and 4.3 million hardwood tree species). Economic Matters Forestry is northern Saskatchewan’s largest industry, which includes seven large forest-products manufacturing facilities which produce lumber, pulp and oriented strand board (OSB) and over 210 small businesses that produce a variety of forest products. Annual forest products sales are over $1 billion and the sector supports nearly 8,000 direct and indirect jobs. Full sector development utilizing the majority of AAC has the potential to generate over $2 billion in forest products sales annually and support nearly 12,000 direct and indirect jobs. Over 70% of primary forest products are exported to other countries. Sustainability Matters Forests are sustainably managed under strict regulations and in cooperation with industry, local stakeholders, communities and Indigenous groups. As well, major forest companies have voluntary, independent sustainable forest management audits performed on their activities. Previous inspection and audits have shown that in forest areas where the industry has or is operating, the right forest management choices are being made. Reconciliation Matters Aboriginal people comprise over 27% of the forestry workforce in the province. Aboriginal people also own and operate numerous successful forestry businesses including sawmills (NorSask Forest Products is 100% Indigenous owned), timber harvesting, road construction, trucking, and reforestation. Learn more: |